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Re: maximaler strom an digitalen ports Kategorie: CC-Pro Unit & Appl.Board (von Hannes - 4.07.2007 8:44)
Als Antwort auf maximaler strom an digitalen ports von pils - 4.07.2007 0:17

Im Datenblatt des Mega128, S.322, DC-Characteristics steht folgendes:

Absolute Maximum Ratings*
DC Current per I/O Pin ............................................... 40.0 mA
DC Current VCC and GND Pins..................... 200.0 - 400.0mA

Output Low Voltage(3)
(Ports A,B,C,D, E, F, G)
IOL = 20 mA, VCC = 5V
IOL = 10 mA, VCC = 3V

3. Although each I/O port can sink more than the test conditions (20 mA at VCC = 5V, 10 mA at VCC = 3V) under steady state
conditions (non-transient), the following must be observed:
TQFP and QFN/MLF Package:
1] The sum of all IOL, for all ports, should not exceed 400 mA.
2] The sum of all IOL, for ports A0 - A7, G2, C3 - C7 should not exceed 100 mA.
3] The sum of all IOL, for ports C0 - C2, G0 - G1, D0 - D7, XTAL2 should not exceed 100 mA.
4] The sum of all IOL, for ports B0 - B7, G3 - G4, E0 - E7 should not exceed 100 mA.
5] The sum of all IOL, for ports F0 - F7, should not exceed 100 mA.
If IOL exceeds the test condition, VOL may exceed the related specification. Pins are not guaranteed to sink
 current greater than the listed test condition.

Output High Voltage(4)
(Ports A,B,C,D, E, F, G)
IOH = -20 mA, VCC = 5V
IOH = -10 mA, VCC = 3V

4. Although each I/O port can source more than the test conditions (20 mA at Vcc = 5V, 10 mA at Vcc = 3V) under steady state
conditions (non-transient), the following must be observed:
TQFP and QFN/MLF Package:
1] The sum of all IOH, for all ports, should not exceed 400 mA.
2] The sum of all IOH, for ports A0 - A7, G2, C3 - C7 should not exceed 100 mA.
3] The sum of all IOH, for ports C0 - C2, G0 - G1, D0 - D7, XTAL2 should not exceed 100 mA.
4] The sum of all IOH, for ports B0 - B7, G3 - G4, E0 - E7 should not exceed 100 mA.
5] The sum of all IOH, for ports F0 - F7, should not exceed 100 mA.
If IOH exceeds the test condition, VOH may exceed the related specification. Pins are not guaranteed to
source current greater than the listed test condition.

> Hallo zusammen,
> ich habe da mal eine Frage bzgl. des maximalen Stroms an den Ausgangsports des mega128+application
> board. In der Dokumentation steht, dass der "Max. zulässiger Strom aus digitalen Ports: 20mA" beträgt und die
> "Zulässige Summe der Ströme an digitalen Ports: 200mA" beträgt.
> Meine Frage ist nun ob sich die Summe (200mA) ĂĽber PortA bis PortG bildet oder ob ein einzelner Port
> (z.B. PortF) einen maximalen Strom von 200mA leisten kann.
> GruĂ? der pils

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