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Re: Is it possbile to use SPI to communicate with A/D converter? Kategorie: Sonstige Hardware (von PeterS - 15.11.2008 9:51)
Als Antwort auf Is it possbile to use SPI to communicate with A/D converter? von Soren Nielsen - 13.11.2008 8:28

Hello Soren,

the new version I currently work on supports full SPI support. But the C-Control Pro system works with an
interpreter, that is slower than a real compiler. I do not think that the Interpreter is capable of working with
100k conversion per second.



> Hi,
> I need to use a high-speed A/D converter with at least 16 bit resolution.
> That means I have to use an external A/D IC.. There are only a few A/D converters
> that support I2C and 16 bit resolution, but they are all pretty slow (15 SPS). I need
> around 100kSPS, and those exist, but only have SPI interface. Is SPI development
> finished so that I can use it for obtaining samples from the A/D?
> Does anyone here know about a high resolution A/D converter I can use with the
> Mega 128?
> Best,
> Soren S. Nielsen

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