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Re: Control via RS232 Kategorie: Pro-Bot128 (von Olaf Breuer - 24.01.2011 14:58)
Als Antwort auf Control via RS232 von Ondra - 14.01.2011 12:22
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega128, CC-Pro 128 Application Board
> Hi, I`d like to send comands to robot
> via IDE TERMINAL to PRO BOT 128.
> Following RS232 initialization doesn`t work
> Serial_Init_IRQ(0,buffer,20,15,SR_8BIT|SR_1STOP|SR_NO_PAR,SR_BD38400);
> IDE writes "expected ")" found "0x00"
> And next question is - could I use "variable = Serial_ReadExt (0)"
> Can anybody help, thanks lot!

I might be wrong, but I think the "|" has to be replaced by "Or"(see example in manual)

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