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Re: Voltcraft USB programmer cable Win 7 64 bit driver install Kategorie: Pro-Bot128 (von PepeV - 27.12.2011 16:47)
Als Antwort auf Re: Voltcraft USB programmer cable Win 7 64 bit driver install von UlliS - 19.12.2011 9:27
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega128
> Hello Pepe,
> the V 1.0 Programmer (see CD Lable) works only with 32-bit Systems (Vista & Win7).
> The new version V 2.0 works mith 64-bit.
> The old programmer V 1.0, you need to reprogram the factory settings.
> Then you can use the original driver.
> http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Pages/USBtoUARTBridgeVCPDrivers.aspx
> See AN144 and use the CP210xSetIDs.exe to reprogram.
> VID, PID and divece string see attachemend..
> Best regards,
> Ulli
Hi Ulli,

I understand now that with 'original driver' you mean the last (v. 6.5?) Silabs VCP-driver, not the
Volcraft driver that came on the CD with the cable.
In your attachment you suggest by the crosses and the red squares to update only Max Power
and Serial Number. This can't work of course.
Also, the serial number of my cable is 0057. It seems a little bit strange to 'update' this number to

I finally see more or less what you had in mind with your reply, but please, next time formulate
it more precisely in order not to confuse beginners like me.

Thanks for trying anyway and best regards,

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