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Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt Kategorie: Programmierung C (von PepeV - 7.05.2012 20:33)
Als Antwort auf Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt von Torsten - 6.05.2012 8:34
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega128, Pro-Bot128
Hi Torsten,

Glad to hear that you succeeded (and that my honour is saved)!
About the uploading: I'll leave that to you. It's you who wrote the program (better than I could)
and I can't even test it because the necessary ports of my Probot are all connected via printed
circuit board to sensors and actuators.
If for documentation you need some explanation on the formula, I'll be glad to help you.
Just let me know.

Have fun with your anemometer!

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