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Re: pro bot128 modifikation Kategorie: IDE (von PepeV - 19.03.2013 14:43)
Als Antwort auf Re: pro bot128 modifikation von PepeV - 19.03.2013 11:03
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega128, Pro-Bot128
Hi Laszlo,

I discribed two possibilities to connect the Pololu encoders. More advanced
is to connect all OUTA and OUTB terminals to interrupt ports and to set the
interrupt trigger mode of these ports to 1 (falling or rising edge) with
Ext_IntEnable. Each of the four interrupt service routines should then poll
the value of the port that gave the trigger and poll the value of the other port.
The combination of these values then determines wether it was a forward
'tick' or backward one. E.g. high-low or low-high means one tick forward and
high-high or low-low means one tick backward.
In this way, the resolution (mm/tick) is two times better than the first method
I described and four times better than the second. The disadvantage is that
more processor time is necessary and if that is not available, ticks might
be missed.


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