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Re: Interrupt handling Kategorie: Programmierung Assembler (von PepeV - 9.04.2014 20:14)
Als Antwort auf Re: Interrupt handling von Torsten - 8.04.2014 20:37
Ich nutze:
Hi Torsten,

Your assembly program really is an eye opener for me. Never thought
it would be so simple.

Your Perl solution is nice but I would prefer not to use Perl
since I have no experience with it and learning it would take
quite some time.

From your solution I deduce that there is no way to change the
interrupt vectors during run time. Am I correct?

In that case I think I will handle the wheel encoder interrupts
in the record or playback assembly routine by polling the
interrupt flag. The only thing that has to be done is to increase
a global variable so this should not cost too much time. At least
I hope that it will not interfere with the recording or playback.


    Antwort schreiben


Re: Interrupt handling (von Torsten - 14.04.2014 20:10)