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Re: ASC Funktioniert nicht Kategorie: Pro-Bot128 (von PepeV - 20.06.2014 17:23)
Als Antwort auf ASC Funktioniert nicht von Simon - 17.06.2014 19:10
Ich nutze:
Hi Simon,

Have you tried searching the forum? Others have had similar problems.
See e.g. my posting "Störung auf linker radencoder: entwurfsfehler"?
When the motor is enabled (with DRIVE_ON() ), noise from the motor
electronics couses extra counts on the left encoder. The effect is
that the program thinks the left wheel turns when it doesn't.

Maybe my posting "Improving the wheel encoders" is usefull for you.

As to the ACS: can you can measure the voltage over an IR led from
the left row and compare it to the voltage over an IR led from the
right row?

(You may respond in German)


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