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Re: ccpro_pcflcd.zip Kategorie: Programmierung C (von Torsten - 27.12.2014 19:49)
Als Antwort auf Re: ccpro_pcflcd.zip von PepeV - 12.12.2014 17:17

> Hi Torsten,
> With my hardware backlight on is 0x08. Also the backlight is on when I
> switch on the LCD. So I defined in PCF8574_Interface.h:
>  #define LCD_BACKLIGHT_ON  0x08
> and then adapted 3 routines in PCF8574_LCD.cc
> - in LCDBackLightOff: 0x00 in stead of LCD_BACKLIGHT_OFF
> - in LCDBackLightOn: LCD_BACKLIGHT_ON in stead of 0x00
> - in LCDInit: gby_backlight_status = LCD_BACKLIGHT_ON;
> Now the backlight works but something else goes wrong:
> Test1WriteChar begins output of "HelloCControlPro" at line 1 at position 9
> and "LCD-PCF8574 Test" at line 2, also at position 9.
> Without my changes this routine worked fine.
> There is also something wrong with the running text. The contrast is bad.
> The boat looks fine,
> Regards,
> Pepe

Hello Pepe,

Many thanks for testing the program. The backlight- and cursorposition-
problems should be solved. But the contrast-problem looks like a
hardware problem.

GruÃ? Torsten.


    Antwort schreiben


Re: ccpro_pcflcd.zip (von PepeV - 2.01.2015 14:56)