Kommentar: Einfügen von HTML im Kommentar: Link einfügen: <a href="LINKURL" target="_blank">LINKTITEL</a> Bild einfügen: <img src="BILDURL"> Text formatieren: <b>fetter Text</b> <i>kursiver Text</i> <u>unterstrichener Text</u> Kombinationen sind auch möglich z.B.: <b><i>fetter & kursiver Text</i></b> C Quellcode formatieren: <code>Quellcode</code> BASIC Quellcode formatieren: <basic>Quellcode</basic> (Innerhalb eines Quellcodeabschnitts ist kein html möglich.) Wichtig: Bitte mache Zeilenumbrüche, bevor Du am rechten Rand des Eingabefeldes ankommst ! -> I > > > Peter: can you explain why interrupts mess up my routines? Is it that interrupts > > > trigger actions that change registers while my routines are running? Is it the Y- > > > register? > > > > Hello Pepe, > > > > you are right. I just had forgotten that the Y-Register should better not be changed, > > because it is normally used as Data Stackpointer. The interrupt routines are using it > > to save the contents of registers. > > > > Regards, > > > > Peter > > > Hi Peter, > > There is a remark about the use of the Y-register in the English manual ('do not > use it') but I was uncertain wether that also holds when the register is saved with > push and pop. > The FFT-routines use a lot of (pointer) variables so I can hardly do without the > Y-register. But what is the effect on the program flow when I disable global > interrupts? Will that do any damage? Are there any side effects? > > Regards, > Pepe