Kommentar: Einfügen von HTML im Kommentar: Link einfügen: <a href="LINKURL" target="_blank">LINKTITEL</a> Bild einfügen: <img src="BILDURL"> Text formatieren: <b>fetter Text</b> <i>kursiver Text</i> <u>unterstrichener Text</u> Kombinationen sind auch möglich z.B.: <b><i>fetter & kursiver Text</i></b> C Quellcode formatieren: <code>Quellcode</code> BASIC Quellcode formatieren: <basic>Quellcode</basic> (Innerhalb eines Quellcodeabschnitts ist kein html möglich.) Wichtig: Bitte mache Zeilenumbrüche, bevor Du am rechten Rand des Eingabefeldes ankommst ! -> I > Hallo Pepe, > > > Unfortunately I can't run your routines because I have a different > > hardware configuration: > Version 0.03 should run with your hardware. > > > But I still have some comments. > > When you send data to the LCD you use 3 I2C_Write()'s but only 2 are needed. > That's right, the data are read after the falling edge. > > > Also I find the comments you put under /*** Data Pins ***/ rather unclear. > > Why do you need these different definitions? > It's my intention that the code runs with every hardware-interface. > > Gruß Torsten