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Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt Kategorie: Programmierung C (von Torsten - 23.04.2012 19:54)
Als Antwort auf Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt von PepeV - 22.04.2012 16:02
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega128, CC-Pro 128 Application Board, Pro-Bot128
> Hi Torsten,
> I would not know how one could realize the solution you suggest: "der Input-Capture Interrupt den
> Overflow-Interrupt-Zähler umschaltet". But have you already considered another, rather pragmatic
> solution? One could use another timer to make a rough estimation of the period time and use that
> value together with the value of the Input Capture Register to calculate an accurate value of the
> period time.
> Period time measurement with prescaler PS_1 has a range of 65536 * 67.8 ns = 4.44 ms.
> Therefore the period time equals the value of the Input Capture Register + n * 4.44 ms. If one sets
> up another timer to increase a variable say every 1 ms, one could use its value in the PM IRQ
> function to determine the value of n.
> As said, a pragmatic solution, not elegant and not absolutely fail safe. Maybe you discarded it
> already. I think it will work in a simple program but probably not in a complex program that
> consumes processor time in chunks of more than 1 ms.
> Regards,
> Pepe

Hi Pepe,

do you have an code-example for your suggestion?
The first timer runs in normal mode.
So he is not reset at an input-capture event.
The second timer does not know anything about the first timer.
At the moment i would not know any solution there.
The accuracy of the time measurement is only
restricted by the system clock.
The C control user becomes not this possibility for
longer time measurements.
An important condition would be the possibility
to be able to write assembler interrupt functions.

Regards Torsten

    Antwort schreiben


Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von PepeV - 24.04.2012 14:40)
    Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von Torsten - 24.04.2012 20:31)
        Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von PepeV - 25.04.2012 13:27)
            Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von Torsten - 27.04.2012 20:41)
                Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von PepeV - 28.04.2012 16:05)
                    Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von Torsten - 1.05.2012 8:18)
                       Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von PepeV - 1.05.2012 21:48)
                          Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von Torsten - 2.05.2012 21:02)
                             Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von PepeV - 4.05.2012 15:15)
                                Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von Torsten - 5.05.2012 6:26)
                                   Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von PepeV - 5.05.2012 14:45)
                                     Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von Torsten - 6.05.2012 8:34)
                                       Re: Synchronisationsproblem mit Input-Capture und Timer-Overflow Interrupt (von PepeV - 7.05.2012 20:33)