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Re: FFT routines Kategorie: Programmierung Assembler (von PepeV - 19.03.2013 13:47)
Als Antwort auf Re: FFT routines von Torsten - 28.02.2013 19:51
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega128, Pro-Bot128
> Hello Pepe,
> to prevent that valuable RAM-memory is consumed,
> I can suggest two solutions to you.
>  -writing asm-code that functioned as a array
>  -using the EEPROM
> We can not write such code by ourselves,
> but we can make, however, like ChanN did.
> Let's make perl for us write the code.
> See below.

Hi Torsten,
Beautifully done! But I don't think I will use your solutions because I need only
128 samples and have enough RAM space for that. Right now processor time
is more valuable than RAM and I suspect that both methods you worked out add
substantially to the total time (though I didn't really test it because I cannot
compile perl code).

P.S. Sorry to response so late but for unknown reasons the forum did not
except my postings for a long time.


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