Re: conversie word to hex Kategorie: IDE (von Bram Vooys - 5.02.2017 21:45) | ||
Als Antwort auf Re: conversie word to hex von Tobias - 5.02.2017 18:39 | ||
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Dear Tobias, Thank for your replay.I like it. Below the code. Please check the comment for futhereplanations. Regards Bram /******************************************************************************* name: - Inertia Dyno Power. Timer Moduul basis Timer0. input: - Wheel sensor output: - Timer Counts Seriel (prefer dec or hex) to the PC for Delphi interface description: - Timer0 Interrupt, if timer has expired Mega32: Output PD7 (PortD.7) for Test *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef MEGA32 #define PORT_PWM 31 #endif #define EXTINT 2 #define INTMODE 2 #define LF 0x0A #define CR 0x0D #define SPACE 0x20 word cnt1; byte busy; char str; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ name: - Inertia Dyno Power. Timer Moduul input: - Sensor output: - Timer Counts Seriel (dec or hex) to PC for Grafics (Delphi) description: - Timer0 Interrupt, if timer has expired ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Ext_ISR(void) { int irqcnt; Timer_T0Stop(); // Timer 0 Stop // cnt1 = value timer pulses in word ? // ? Str_Printf(str, "arg1: %dr", 1234); // ? Str_Printf '=(%[width]x -> Hex-number) // and send it then with // ? Serial_WriteText(0,str); // ? Serial_Write(0,cnt1); Serial_Write(0,CR); // Send CR to PC forr Deplhi grafics interface cnt1=0; // Set counter value 0 Ext_IntDisable(EXTINT); // Disable Ext Interupt Timer_T0FRQ(4,PS0_1024); // Start Timer again Ext_IntEnable(EXTINT,INTMODE); // Ext Interupt enable irqcnt=Irq_GetCount(INT_2); // activeer interupt INT_2 from wheel speed } void Timer0_ISR(void) { int irqcnt; busy=0; irqcnt=Irq_GetCount(INT_TIM0COMP); // Interrupt Request Counter } void main(void) { Serial_Init(0,SR_8BIT|SR_1STOP|SR_NO_PAR,SR_BD9600); Port_DataDirBit(PORT_PWM,PORT_OUT); // Set port direction to output Irq_SetVect(INT_TIM0COMP,Timer0_ISR); // Define Interrupt Irq_SetVect(INT_2,Ext_ISR); // From (wheel) sensor to pin nr.10 while (1) { Timer_T0Time(4,PS0_1024); // Ca. 1 ms need more adjusting Port_WriteBit(PORT_PWM,0); // Set port to control output to 0 busy=1; while (busy); Timer_T0Time(4,PS0_1024); // Port_WriteBit(PORT_PWM,1); // Set port to control output to 1 busy=1; while (busy); cnt1++; // Added Timer Pulses Ext_IntEnable(EXTINT,INTMODE); // Enable Ext. Interupt } } // EOF > > Please note, that the Serial_Write-function only can send a byte, not a word! | ||
Antwort schreiben Antworten: Re: conversie word to hex (von Tobias - 5.02.2017 23:23) Re: conversie word to hex (von Tobias - 5.02.2017 23:35) |
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