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Re: I2C Fehler - same shit Kategorie: CC-Pro Unit & Appl.Board (von Martin , http://www.mz-sports.com - 8.08.2006 12:23)
Als Antwort auf I2C Fehler von Michel Verkaik - 2.08.2006 16:29
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega32
> Hallo,
> Mein deutsch ist nicht so gut. Darum wurde ich gerne auf englisch schreiben. Aber ich verstehe es.
> I have a CControl Pro 128 with Application Board. I use the I2C interface to connect a display with the processor.
> But when I unplug the display and connect again the processor hangs. This does not happen all, but most of the time.
> I have tried different things. Multi-Threading, installing a bus extender all to no result. Anyone experienced the same thing?
> Vielen dank,
> Michel Verkaik

Hello all !  
I am trying to connect the eDip-240 display via I2C since days, but nothing happens!
I have married the same display with the C-Control M and the CC2 with perfect success!
But something must be wrong with the I2C-communication of the CC Pro !!!

By the way, I have found plenty of other software-mistakes within the last days!
The CC Pro seems to be full of mistakes!



Meine Seite: http://www.mz-sports.com

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