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FFT routines Kategorie: Programmierung Assembler (von PepeV - 26.02.2013 21:50)
Ich nutze:
C-Control Pro Mega128, Pro-Bot128
Hi all,

Attached are some FFT routines in assembler, adapted from the work of ChaN.
Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.

The routines:
1. perform a wave capturing (a series of AD conversions in Free Running Mode)
2. execute 'butterfly operations'
3. calculate the frequency spectrum

I have tested them on my Pro-Bot128 and plan to use them for sound control,
in stead of the much slower routines in cc I used until now.
Some figures with results are included in the attached zip file too.

Torsten, you were right twice:
- I needed access to flash in assembler for the sin/cos and other tables. Since
  this is not possible directly, I now copy these to ram before use. (For this
  reason I cannot process more than 256 samples, helas!)
- I need to disable the global interrupt. But to my great surprise, not only in the
  ADC capture but in all routines. If I do not do that, I end up with garbage results.
Peter: can you explain why interrupts mess up my routines? Is it that interrupts
trigger actions that change registers while my routines are running? Is it the Y-


    Antwort schreiben


Re: FFT routines (von Torsten - 28.02.2013 19:51)
    Re: FFT routines (von PepeV - 19.03.2013 13:47)
Re: FFT routines (von PeterS - 28.02.2013 14:46)
    Re: FFT routines (von PepeV - 28.02.2013 15:41)
        Re: FFT routines (von PeterS - 28.02.2013 17:28)
            Re: FFT routines (von PepeV - 28.02.2013 21:26)